Publications from researchers using our products.
940 publications reference products from PolySciTech division, Akina, Inc.
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Research using PolySciTech product: AK128
Uses Products
Yang, Guangze, Yun Liu, Song Jin, Yue Hui, Xing Wang, Letao Xu, Dong Chen, David Weitz, and Chun‐Xia Zhao. "Phase separation‐induced nanoprecipitation for making polymer nanoparticles with high drug loading". Aggregate e314
Product Used: AK010, AK026, AK168, AK128
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Bovone, Giovanni, Lucien Cousin, Fabian Steiner, and Mark W. Tibbitt. "Solvent Controls Nanoparticle Size during Nanoprecipitation by Limiting Block Copolymer Assembly". Macromolecules (2022).
Product Used: AK056, AK037, AK128
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Köthe, Tobias, Stefan Martin, Gabriele Reich, and Gert Fricker. "Dual asymmetric centrifugation as a novel method to prepare highly concentrated dispersions of PEG-b-PCL polymersomes as drug carriers". International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2020: 119087
Product Used: AK128
Product Usage: Drug-Delivery
Bovone, Giovanni, Fabian Steiner, Elia A. Guzzi, and Mark W. Tibbitt. "Automated and continuous production of polymeric nanoparticles". Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7 (2019): 423.
Product Used: AK128, AK056, AK037
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Bazylińska, Urszula. "Rationally designed double emulsion process for co-encapsulation of hybrid cargo in stealth nanocarriers". Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2017
Product Used: AK128, AK056, AK037
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell